Your Questions Answered
How long does it take to get started?
Once you’ve submitted your application and chosen your level of commitment, the next thing you’ll need to do is get us the required documentation. Once we’ve received everything and review it, you’ll be ready to rock ‘n roll in less than 48 hours!
Can I have independent contractors working under me?
While we have the ability for you to add sub-agents to your business, we will require that you at least have one year in the business with at least $50,000 in sales before we will allow you to have sub-agents. We recommend that you have a solid foundation for a business before taking on the added responsibility of managing others. We also advise that you fully understand TESS, our CRM system as you will need it to understand how to pay your sub-agents. Remember, when you have sub-agents they are part of YOUR business and you must be able to manage and guide them as well.
Their volume will be tracked separately, but will roll-up to you. We pay you, and then you pay them. We suggest you have a contract in place for each sub agent.
When you are ready to hire sub agents, give our office a call and we can assist you in setting that up.
Can I operate my business under my own company name?
Yes. Your company name will show up on any branded marketing collateral and on some co-branded websites with our suppliers.
And we highly recommend that you become incorporated. Speak to your accountant or attorney as to which entity might be best for you but if you need assistance in getting incorporated, we have a preferred vendor that we use to get this done for you. Please call our office at 561-447-8869 ext. 204 to discuss.
Are there any experience requirements to be an Elite Travel Independent Travel Agent?
Although we do not require any experience, we do require dedication and commitment to learning. Remember, this is your own business and while we are here to support you, you are still responsible for your own success and need to treat your business like a business. Much of your initial time in the business, if you do not already have some experience or client database, will be learning and building a client base.
Are there training or mentoring programs available to inexperienced/new agents?
There is already existing training provided by our CRM tool developers, the Learning Management System provided by our consortium, Travel Leaders Network as well as outside learning resources. You’ll find a list of options under our Training tab.
We are also adding our own training as we grow. If you need help with anything in particular, remember that you can always contact us at the office for answers or visit our Private Facebook Group exclusive to our members only.
Will I retain ownership of my clients?
Your clients and information pertaining to your clients belong to you. Should you end your contract with us, you will have until the end of your billing cycle to retrieve and information you may need.
If you need help exporting or downloading information, please let us know and we will guide you.
How often do I get paid?
Agent commission checks are processed every 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. They are sent through our bank to yours at end of business that Friday and should appear at your bank institution within 2 business days. Every bank is different so you’ll need to check with yours to find out their processing times. Please do not call the office unless it is beyond 3 business days and you have not received your commission. Always check with your bank first to see if it was received on their end before calling our office. The problem may be a local bank issue rather than an issue on our side.
You will see the commissions owed to you in your CRM.
Agents are paid on their commissions following 1) receipt of payment from the vendor AND 2) after the client travel has begun. You will then be paid on whatever the next commission processing day is following those two events. At this time we do not have a system in place to take back commissions for things such as trip cancellations so in order to avoid the need to do that, we wait until the clients trip has taken place. We hope to change that in the near future as we improve our systems and processes.
Do I need Errors & Omissions insurance?
We provide our agents coverage under our policy which you can request a copy of by emailing support@EliteTravelTAP.com. While we provide $1,000,000 in coverage, we will always advise you to speak to your own insurance agent or attorney to make sure you are fully covered, as everyone’s business and circumstance is different.
Can I join Elite if I do NOT live in the United States?
At this time, we require that all of our agents are U.S. citizens with U.S. Based addresses.
Do you have a leads program to help me find new clients?
While we do provide you with a listing on our main website, you will also be added to Travel Leaders Network directory for those looking for travel agents in certain areas or with certain specialties. We recommend that you take as many online course as you can to attain certifications which will make you much more attractive to those seeking knowledgeable travel agents. We have available resources for learning in our Training LMS.
Do you provide me with a consumer website customized for my agency?
At this time, we do not provide websites. However, we have a recommended source that works with us that can provide you with website options.
Please contact us at support@EliteTravelTAP.com for more info on how to obtain these services.
What type of support do you offer for your independent agents?
Our Home Team is available 9am-6pm on weekdays if you want to call the office. After hours, we have email support and a Private Facebook support group which is ONLY for our independent travel agents.
Our Facebook group is fully monitored by our Elite staff. Any time you have a question that you need answers to, there will be others there to support you.